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Surface Eddy CurrentEddy-current testing (also commonly seen as eddy current testing and ECT) is one of many electromagnetic testing methods used in nondestructive testing (NDT) making use of electromagnetic induction to detect and characterize surface and sub-surface flaws in conductive materials.

Our Specialty Services Department offers a diverse array of capabilities for surface inspections. For non-ferromagnetic materials, our Eddy Current stock is extremely well-equipped with pencil, array, ASME calibration standards. For ferromagnetic materials, we offer shark technology. With our inventory of ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic calibration standards, we usually do have the size & material standard of the tubes to be inspected. If we do not have the calibration standard, we can usually have them expedited for the project.

Eddy Current Services

Surface Inspection: Surface Eddy Current inspections can be used for identifying flaws on and below metal surfaces. Single channel and Array capabilities are available. Data can be encoded and archived for future reference and detailed reporting for customer satisfaction.
Weld Inspection: A quick method used to scan a surface for open surface cracks on weld caps and in heat affected zones.
Conductivity Testing / Non-conductive Coating Thickness: Eddy Currents ability to measure conductivity can be used to identify and sort ferrous and nonferrous alloys, and to verify heat treatment. Another common test involves the measurement of non-conductive coating like paint over metals.
Subsurface Corrosion Detection: Low Frequency surface probes can be used to locate corrosion present on thin second and third layers of metal that cannot be detected ultrasonically. Corrosion can also be detected around fastener holes on aircraft parts.
Bolt Hole / Thread Inspection: Surface Eddy Current has the ability to detect cracking in bolt hole threads with the aid of special thread and bolt hole probes.
C-Scan Array Inspection


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    (281) 922-0200

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    1265 Butler Road, League City, TX 77573